Student Services & Alternative Programs

Child Find
In accordance with federal regulations, Wolcott Public Schools assumes responsibility for the location, identification, and evaluation of all Wolcott children from birth through age 21 who require special education and related services. All children who are suspected of having a disability and who are in need of special education are part of the Child Find process in the Wolcott Public Schools' district. This includes students who are advancing from grade to grade;  enrolled in private elementary or private secondary schools, including religious schools, and highly mobile, such as migrant and homeless children. In addition, the Wolcott Public Schools' district identifies students (kindergarten through grade 12) who may be gifted or talented.
Speech and Language
Mission Statement
The mission of the Wolcott Public Schools Speech and Language Department is to provide comprehensive services for the prevention, assessment, diagnosis, and intervention of communication disorders related to educational success, in accordance with federal and state regulations.
About Us
The Speech and Language Department is staffed by state licensed and certified speech-language pathologists (SLPs).  These SLPs are professionally trained to consult, screen, assess and provide intervention for persons with, or who are at risk for, communication disabilities in the areas of articulation, fluency, voice, and language.  SLPs provide a variety of services for the students with identified speech and/or language disabilities.  They also consult with classroom teachers, parents, school staff and others on ways to improve the language skills and communication of children in general.
Identification Process
Students require a comprehensive evaluation by a speech-language pathologist (SLP) prior to receiving services.  Students who are eligible for services must demonstrate a speech/language impairment based on evaluation results, demonstrate that the impairment adversely affects educational performance and must meet state guideline eligibility criteria as set forth by the State of Connecticut Department of Education, Speech/Language Guidelines.
Service Delivery Models
Speech-Language Pathologists utilize a variety of service delivery models depending on the unique needs of the student.  Students can be seen outside of the classroom (pull-out), inside of the classroom (push-in) or both.  Services can be direct or indirect or a combination of the two.  Consultation and collaboration with other professionals is vital to ensure meaningful curricula access and generalization of communication skills.  The Speech-Language Pathologist plays an important role on the educational team in order to facilitate academic success for all students.
Age appropriate speech/language development:
Other helpful parent resources:
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Index:
Mommy Speech Therapy – For Early Language:
Super Duper Inc. – Short, informational handouts for parents:
Unified Sports

This program offers special needs students the opportunity to train and participate in team sports activities paired with regular education students. It operates under the direction of the CIAC, the governing body for high school athletics in Connecticut. Wolcott High School has one coed basketball team. Program goals include athletic play, sportsmanship, and building friendships.
For more information, view this Unified Sports Video
CIAC Special Olympics Unified Sports(r) Promo:
Preschool Program
Wolcott Public Schools' preschool is an inclusive and interdisciplinary early childhood education program. It offers learning experiences, which foster personal/social, creative, physical, and cognitive development through multi-sensory activities. It will provide a developmentally appropriate program for preschool students identified for special education and for children who are typically developing. It will facilitate competent and capable learners in a nurturing and supportive environment. Emphasis is placed on meeting academic benchmark standards while providing a least restrictive setting for all students. Families are encouraged to actively participate in the education of their young children. Program staff members and families work collaboratively to ensure that children are provided with optimal learning experiences. Each child's learning is encouraged through exploration of the educational environment with age-appropriate experiences. Modifications are made to accommodate every child.
The mission of the Wolcott School Readiness Council is to provide leadership to high quality programs for children in the town of Wolcott, to empower all young children to be effective, enthusiastic, and socially competent learners, through on-going professional development, consultation, and collaboration and by linking resources to families, the school, and the community.

School Readiness

The Wolcott School Readiness Council is accepting applications for two parent positions for the current School Year.  If interested, please print and fill out the attached application.  Call 203-879-8178 (Student Services) with any questions.
Parent Resources:
There are many resources available to parents of children with special educational needs. The following organizations and web sites are just a few of the places parents and professionals can seek information.
Please Note: Parents may need to create a free account in order to access some of the parent information/handouts.


State Education Resource Center (SERC)
State Education Resource Center (SERC), Middletown, CT. SERC is a library dedicated to providing parents and professionals an abundant collection of education resources. SERC also sponsors many workshops for parents and professional staff during the year. If you ask to be added to the mailing list, you will get the quarterly updates of all workshops offered. Contact SERC at (860) 632-1485 to be put on the mailing list and to get directions to the library. You can also visit the web site at
Connecticut Parent Advocacy Center (CPAC)
Connecticut Parent Advocacy Center (CPAC) Niantic, CT. CPAC is a statewide organization providing information and support to parents of children with special needs. CPAC can answer your questions and lead you to appropriate services or information. They offer a lending library, parent newsletter and parent training and workshops. Call (800) 445-2722 for more information or go to
Autism Spectrum Resource Center (ASRC)
Autism Spectrum Resource Center (ASRC) offers information and support to parents of children with an autism spectrum disorder. Parents can join the ASRC by calling 787-3676 (New Haven), or visit their web site at